Frost – Download game for iOS
Game overviewGuide spirits to home planets and bring balance to a mystical world using Metal graphics: featuring captivating visual excitement.
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Welcome to FROST, a thrilling game experience that lets you draw pathways to guide a flock of vibrant spirits to their respective planets. As you progress through levels, you'll watch enchanting creatures appear and restore balance to a constantly moving world, uncovering its secrets along the way.You'll encounter mesmerizing Dancing Stardust, whose frenzied movements seem choreographed to the beat of the universe. You'll also come across Frantic Swarms, whose sheer number is enough to take your breath away. Not to be forgotten are the striking Neutrino Flowers that will leave you in awe.Starring in this exciting tale are the Particle Hunters, who delve deep into the spiraling mysteries of the universe. The Glowing Baitballs will lead you on a trail of intrigue, while Firecracker Bouquets and Living Walls will leave you charmed. Witness the stunning Fountains of Light and the Supergravity Shepherds that guide these beautiful entities through the cosmos.It's important to note that FROST allows you to interact with swarms of thousands of individual agents at once. This feat has been achieved due to the utilization of advanced graphics technology through Metal. As a result, the game isTotem Wonders exclusively available on the App Store, ready for you to embark on a journey like never before.Show more
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